
Monday, 28 February 2011

Dinner invites

One thing I find extremely difficult to decline is a invitation to lunch and even more difficult than that an invitation to dinner. It becomes even worst when I know that the person or group of people who will be there not only like their food, but also like their drink. I don't know what it is, but if for whatever reason I can't attend then I get extremely upset. It's like some kind of obsession, or a certain kind of condition. I start feeling stressed and my heart rates is on the increase.

Does anyone know if there is a name for these sort of reactions? Don't get me wrong, if I am invited somewhere that I know the food will be well below standard then I will very easily make my excuses, but if I've been promised some half-decent fare then it's a bit like an allergic reaction. The symptoms are almost immediate.

The only way to calm myself is to immediately try and make alternative arrangements. Something nice to reward myself for seccesfully restraining myself and declining the invitation. Thinking about it I better call my friends and see who I can arrange the next dinner with.. 

I just had to decline one such invitation, the symptoms have started.. I am already on the phone to friends..Please, please tell me I'm not the only one..

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